I’m Freddie, product engineer* at the intersection of design & web development.

Latest experience

  1. Inploi’s logo



    Hiring-tech, united kingdom

    Product engineer currently building the dashboard, SDK, a custom CMS, & more.

  2. Winden’s logo



    Fintech, united states (remote)

    Frontend platform engineer, introduced design system internal library, refactor & tests to modernise legacy codebase.

  3. Teya’s logo



    Fintech, united kingdom

    Frontend engineer, led the frontend development for customer-facing dashboard.

Open Source

  1. React Router Typesafe (Stars: 111)

    Small typescript library to add type hints to parts of react router 6 that makes it more ergonomic to develop with.

  2. Drizzle Toolbelt (Stars: 39)

    Set of utilities to make interacting with queries in Drizzle ORM easier, such as aggregate, transform, and take functions.

  3. Zustand Context (Stars: 42)

    Wraps a zustand store in context. useful for making independent zustand stores per-component or making zustand easier to unit test.

  4. Tome TCG

    Real-time card game with quick and meta-game oriented matches. currently in progress, being built with Bun, Elysia, React.

Selected Projects

  1. Inploi SDK

    The official Software Development Kit for Inploi. consists of 8 packages (and counting) with a core and many lightweight ways to implement features of the inploi platform on any website, such as chatbot, job search and job alerts.

  2. Inploi Dashboard

    Customer-facing dashboard built on Remix as a BFF interplaying with the Laravel api that powers the inploi platform.

  3. Winden UI

    Internal design system library with about 50 components. built for React, styled with Vanilla Extract.
